Monday, November 30, 2009

Outpouring of Love for the Slain Police Officers in Lakewood, WA

It is difficult to find good news in a situation like the one that occurred yesterday when four Lakewood (Washington) police officers were shot at point blank while they sat in a coffee shop working on their laptops in preparation for their shift on the police force.  The senseless killings have triggered a huge outpouring of love towards the families of those who were slain.  There has been a nonstop vigil outside of a church in Tacoma, honoring the victims.  There have also been a number of Facebook pages that have been started to honor the memories of the four officers, all of whom are leaving behind spouses and children.  The link to the main Facebook page is included.  Rest in peace, Sergeant Mark Renninger, Officer Ronald Owen, Officer Tina Griswold, and Officer Greg Richards.

Editor of AGNADL

1 comment:

  1. The killer of the four police officers has himself been shot and killed by a lone Seattle policeman. No big surprise that it would end this way with the ongoing massive manhunt. The search for the cop killer came to an end early this morning.
