Thursday, December 10, 2009

Eco-Gift Wrapping Japanese Style

I have mostly given up gift wrapping these days, at least using regular gift wrapping paper.  I have been on a mission to find more eco-friendly ways to deliver gifts ever since our local recycling facility stopped taking gift wrapping paper several years ago.  At first they merely barred the foil-based wrap, which is entirely understandable.  I have to guess that people were trying to stick that in too with other holiday gift wrap, so they barred it totally.  Since then I have not bought any gift wrapping paper at all.  One year a lot of the earth-friendly charities I donate money to were sending out recycled paper for wrapping packages.  I used that until I ran out, but I have been supplementing wrapping paper with gift bags that can be reused many times over if you are careful with them.  Usually I simply reuse the bags I've gotten myself with gifts rather than going out and buying more.  Sometimes I use tissue paper because there is no recycling ban on tissue paper.  Some places may still be taking wrapping paper in their mixed paper recycling, and that is great, but I am always looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint and since the holiday season is the worst time of the year in terms of garbage, I try to stay aware of alternate methods of gift wrapping/giving.  The link below takes you to another idea.

Editor of AGNADL

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