There is not much by way of good news coming from the scene of major earthquake devastation in Haiti. Destruction is extensive, death tolls are in the tens of thousands, and supplies of all kinds are needed desperately. But there is some good news in the midst of the destruction. The good news is that each one of us can help by making a donation, however big or small, to one of the respected and trusted humanitarian efforts participating in rescuing and helping the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Even the smallest donation will help these people, so what are we waiting for? Following are just a few links of reputable organizations ready to receive your donations. Please give generously and responsibly. It's much better to make donations to organizations who are already in a position to help. There are many others, but the following three links are ready to accept your donations and are in a position to put them to use in Haiti immediately.
The International Red Cross:
The United Nations:
The American Red Cross:
Here's one for helping animals in need in Haiti, the WSPCA:
Here's a link to an article with an extensive list of helping organizations:
Thank you from the editor of AGNADL
I found it a little easier and faster to make a donation via the International Red Cross site because the American Red Cross site is being flooded with traffic right now, due to the generous outpouring of donations for the people of Haiti. All the organizations linked in the blog are reputable and responsible organizations who do this sort of work all the time.