Thursday, December 31, 2009

UK Hostage Released in Iran

After two and a half years as a hostage in Iran, Peter Moore has finally been released.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pugs Vacation at Oregon Coast

This is an awesome video of a pug taking the kids to the Oregon Coast.  It is very well done and quite enjoyable.  A big thank you for my neighbor, Jocelyn, who is part of the Pug Rescue efforts in the Seattle area.

Editor of AGNADL

Soccer-Playing Pachyderms

Does your elephant play soccer?  No?  Well, check out this video to see a few who do.

Editor of AGNADL

Christmas Miracle Birth

A huge thank you to Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, for this story link.  It is an amazing story of a Christmas Eve double death/life situation.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Australian Man Redistributes Belongings at Christmas

You know the saying, "One man's wealth is another man's treasure."  One Australian man started giving away his possessions at Christmas time last year and is back at it this year.  Those who are in need of items, simply come to where he has his wares displayed and take away whatever they want.  What a great idea.  There are so many of us who have way too much, while some of us don't have what we need.

Editor of AGNADL

Silent Film Animal Fun

Adjust your viewing screens to maximum cuteness. The footage of the panda cub and mom is long, but adorable. If you pay attention to the herky jerky maneuvers of cub, you'll get some idea of what it is like to move through the world with severe vertigo.  I swear you could juxtapose footage of me trying to get to the bathroom in the dark of night, and the choreography would be astoundingly similar. Substitute the mama bear for my bed. Of course, I don't view this experience in my life as anything resembling cute, but the pandas are precious.

Thanks goes to for this video tipoff.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cute Animal Videos

Here are some cute animal videos to help make your day.

Editor of AGNADL

Loads of Good News Sites

Since I started this blog, I have discovered lots and lots of good news sites.  I plan to let this one fold at the one year anniversary mark.  It has served its purpose and now there are many places to find good news.  I am including a list of those sites and will include it again at the folding on this blog which will be on January 20, 2010, exactly one year after this blog started.  Many thanks for your faithful readership.  It's been a learning experience and a lot of fun.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, December 25, 2009

White Christmas in the Florida Keys?

The Weather Channel is making a white Christmas for one neighborhood on Summerland Key in Florida.  What better place to host a temporary snowstorm?  It's 70 degrees outside, but there's a huge mound of snow in the yard of one family.  The whole neighborhood has gathered to enjoy it.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Goodwill Santa

A tough year got amazingly easier for 100 people who encountered the Goodwill Santa in Portland, Maine.  Thanks to for this good news article.

Editor of AGNADL

US Senate Passes Health Care Bill

It is interesting to me that this articles states that the bill guarantees access to health insurance rather than to health care.  That seems skewed to me still.  Shouldn't the focus be on access to quality health care rather than access to health insurance?  That still leaves the insurance system as the focal point.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Seattle Tops US Cities for Being Literate (Again)

One of the things that made me happy to move to Seattle 16 plus years ago was that it had the most libraries and bookstores per capita.  The city ranks as one of the top US cities in this category every year.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Second Boeing 787 Takes Flight

A second dreamliner has lifted off from Paine Field in Everett, Washington.

Editor of AGNADL

Santa Cops Making the Season Brighter

Pierce County, Washington police officers have been delivering Christmas to unsuspecting needy families for years.  

Monday, December 21, 2009

Same Sex Marriage Rights Granted in Mexico City

Same-sex marriages and adoptions have been legalized in Mexico City.

Editor of AGNADL

Uganda Bans Female Genital Mutilation

No, it isn't a pleasant topic for discussion, but it is good news indeed that Uganda has outlawed female genital mutilation.

Editor of AGNADL

Health Bill Passes the Senate

So the US is making some progress towards health care reforms.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Getting Closer to Health Care Reform?

According to the news coming in, we're getting closer to an agreement on health care reform.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, December 18, 2009

Making Headway in Copenhagen

Key heads of state reach an agreement in regards to climate change action.

Editor of AGNADL

Amazing Story About a Man and His Mugger

Many thanks to for two really good news stories today that I want to pass on to my readers.

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Falling in Love Over a Plane Crash?

Most people know when and where they met their spouse or partner and can offer lots of interesting details, but this couple's story is really unusual in how they met.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ways to Give Green Gifts Through Charitable Giving

Ever feel like you really didn't need anything else but people around you are just determined to give you a gift during the holiday season?  Well, here's a way to give them a gift suggestion that keeps your cupboards, drawers, and closets from getting more cluttered.

Editor of AGNADL

A Creative Way to Save Coral Reefs

Mexico opens a new marine museum.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More Fuel-Efficient Boeing 787 Takes its Maiden Flight

The new Boeing 787 is more than just another pretty face on the runway.

Editor of AGNADL

Paying in Forward in the Diner

I love stories like this.  Thanks to for providing the story for our 400th post.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

World's Biggest Wind Farm to Be Built in Oregon

The world's biggest wind farm is going to be built in Oregon, starting in 2010.

Editor of AGNADL

Washington, D.C. Votes in Favor of Same-sex Marriage Equality

The Washington, D.C. city council has voted 11 to 2 in favor of same-sex marriage equality bill.

Boeing 787 on Maiden Voyage

The word finally does spring to mind automatically, I must say.

Editor of AGNADL

He Gets By With a Little Help from His Friends

Ever heard that saying, "If I'd thought I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of my body.  Well, Larry did take good care of his body and at 107 is still going strong.  However, his money isn't. But never fear, when you are as nice and happy a fellow as Larry, people look out for you.  Thanks to for this great story.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sometimes It Pays to Yell

Before they cut off life support for woman in coma, her husband yelled at her.  Her response?  She woke up!

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Greening Your Christmas Tree Options

Trying to figure out the greenest way to have a Christmas tree?  You're not alone.  Here are some facts that may help you decide.

Editor of AGNADL

It's Good to Let Your Kids Get Dirty

If you believe television commercials, then you'll think that the worst parents are those who allow any sort of bacteria to get near their children.  The opposite is actually closer to the truth.  Let your kids get dirty.  Exposure to a little dirt and bacteria helps their immune system develop healthfully.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Texans Elects Openly Gay Mayor

Um, er, well, you could knock me over with a lavender feather over this tidbit of news.  In Houston, no less.  Wonders never cease.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bagless Brits

From comes this link to an article about a town in England that kicked the plastic bag habit and started a trend.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Eco-Gift Wrapping Japanese Style

I have mostly given up gift wrapping these days, at least using regular gift wrapping paper.  I have been on a mission to find more eco-friendly ways to deliver gifts ever since our local recycling facility stopped taking gift wrapping paper several years ago.  At first they merely barred the foil-based wrap, which is entirely understandable.  I have to guess that people were trying to stick that in too with other holiday gift wrap, so they barred it totally.  Since then I have not bought any gift wrapping paper at all.  One year a lot of the earth-friendly charities I donate money to were sending out recycled paper for wrapping packages.  I used that until I ran out, but I have been supplementing wrapping paper with gift bags that can be reused many times over if you are careful with them.  Usually I simply reuse the bags I've gotten myself with gifts rather than going out and buying more.  Sometimes I use tissue paper because there is no recycling ban on tissue paper.  Some places may still be taking wrapping paper in their mixed paper recycling, and that is great, but I am always looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint and since the holiday season is the worst time of the year in terms of garbage, I try to stay aware of alternate methods of gift wrapping/giving.  The link below takes you to another idea.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Edible London

To maintain a well-balanced diet, I recommended eating London.  Check out this video of the building of an edible model of the city of London.  Yeah, I know you have more important things to do, but what the heck?  This link comes to us via

Editor of AGNADL

T'is the Season for Lovingkindness (All the Time)

In the midst of the craziness of the season, focus on lovingkindness.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Gift That Keeps On Giving

Here's an interesting gift suggestion and even a good idea for the rest of the year.

Editor of AGNADL

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

The following link takes you to a story about an unusual friendship amongst a bear, a lion, and a tiger.

Editor of AGNADL

In the Wrong Line of Work

Obviously I am in the wrong line of work.  I should be photographing my kitties in wigs.  Or better yet, letting someone else pay my superstar kitty models for a photo shoot.  I'd be their agents.  Three of my four cats have look-alikes in this video, so I already know how they look in wigs--styling.  Thanks to for this video tidbit from the world of feline fashion.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Another Positive News Site

My good news today is that I found yet another upbeat, positive news site.  I think it is rather telling that when ordinary citizens start blogging news, there are plenty of people who want to read and report upbeat stuff over the sensational garbage we are often fed through the main media channels.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Promising Trend in the US Economy

With the number of job losses slowing down, the US economy is showing signs of turning around.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, December 4, 2009

Ford is Already Making More Fuel-Efficient Cars

If our politicians would make it imperative that U.S. automakers sell cars with better fuel efficiency, then we could have cars like those Ford is already making and selling Europe.  The technology is already there.

Editor of AGNADL

U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops Slightly

For the first time since December 2007, the U.S. national unemployment rate decreased.  It dropped from 10.2% to 10%.  Although this isn't a huge drop, it is the best we've seen in two years and may signal the beginning of better times for workers in the United States and the economy overall.'s_Most_Popular

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coca-cola On the Path to Greenhood

Here's an update on the greening progress of cola giant, the Coca-cola corporation.

Editor of AGNADL

Beluga Whales May Get Some More Real Estate

Over 3000 square miles of the Cook Inlet in Alaska have been proposed by federal regulators as critical habitat for the beluga whales in that area.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Coyote Stowaway

Still shaking my head over this story link submitted by Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You.  Sometimes coyotes will go to tremendous links to hitch a ride to California.

Editor of AGNADL

Name Your OwnTaxi Fare

Thanks goes to for this story about a cabbie in Vermont who lets his customers pay what they want to pay.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fueling From the Other End

One thing the world has a lot of is cow manure.  Why not put it to good use?  This farm in Vermont is doing just that.

Editor of AGNADL

Retailing Behemoth Making Positive Recycling Steps

When you hear the word "Walmart," you don't generally think of a green company.  Whatever you thought in the past, you may have to change your thinking because that, it seems, is what Walmart is starting to do as a company.  Click the link to read about recycling improvements the company is making.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, November 30, 2009

Outpouring of Love for the Slain Police Officers in Lakewood, WA

It is difficult to find good news in a situation like the one that occurred yesterday when four Lakewood (Washington) police officers were shot at point blank while they sat in a coffee shop working on their laptops in preparation for their shift on the police force.  The senseless killings have triggered a huge outpouring of love towards the families of those who were slain.  There has been a nonstop vigil outside of a church in Tacoma, honoring the victims.  There have also been a number of Facebook pages that have been started to honor the memories of the four officers, all of whom are leaving behind spouses and children.  The link to the main Facebook page is included.  Rest in peace, Sergeant Mark Renninger, Officer Ronald Owen, Officer Tina Griswold, and Officer Greg Richards.

Editor of AGNADL

Wrong Number Call Turns into a Miracle

Thanks goes to Michelle Brown for the following happy ending miracle holiday story.

Editor of AGNADL

Happy Ending for This Cat Tale

Many thanks to Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You.  It is a story of a cat who was rescued from near death.  Just goes to show you what a whole lot of tender loving care can do.  Kudos to the people who work at that shelter for making the extra effort.

Editor of AGNADL

Green Your Taxes

Some old and new tax incentives for going green.

Editor of AGNADL

Turn Up the Cuteness Factor

Could not resist this cute little kitty.  Thanks to for posting this YouTube video.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Green Sports Team

NightHawks go green, even down to their new name, the Greenhawks.

You thought I was kidding, didn't you?  Not!

Editor of AGNADL

Eco-Friendly Big Businesses

Big business doesn't have to equal big carbon footprint.  Check out some of these businesses with big names and  big awareness of environmental concerns.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, November 27, 2009

Octagenerian Outpaces Most Everyone Half His Age

Thanks to Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, for the following article about a marathon-running senior who makes most of us look downright lazy.

Editor of AGNADL

Man Makes Good on Library Fines

Don't wait until you find old books that need to be returned.  Public and school libraries need all the help they can get.  Read the story below and then go and donate money and/or books to your local library to help them keep their doors open and their shelves full of books.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving for U.S. Readers

All Good News All Day Long wishes you a very happy Thanksgiving Day!

Editor of AGNADL

It's Your Turn

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving day?  Send us an email at

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Country Musicians Defend the Mountains

Mountain music seems a little obsolete if there are no mountains.  Country musicians battle mountaintop mining.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

There May Be Money Chasing You

I've never been able to figure this one out--how people who are owed money by the IRS don't go looking for it when it doesn't arrive in a timely manner.  Short of death or some terrible tragedy, what on earth stops people from checking up on a thousand dollar plus refund check from the IRS?  It boggles the mind, but there you do.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, November 23, 2009

More Help Greening Your Thanksgiving

More great ideas for making the holiday greener.

Editor of AGNADL

How to Deal with Phone Sales Calls

Get your kitteh to answer the phone.  Many thanks to and I Can Has for this tip.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Giving Thanks and Giving a Helping Hand

The Seattle Times Fund is having its 31st annual drive to raise money for the needy.

Editor of AGNADL

Starbucks Changing to Greenbucks?

Finally, Starbucks is starting to green up its act.  It's about time and surprisingly long overdue, given its base in one of the greenest cities in the world (Seattle, in case you don't know that).

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Blessing in Disguise as a Thief

What felt like tragedy has turned into an amazing triumph for this food bank.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Threatened Species Protected

More victors emerge from the legal battles waged against the Bush Administration's attempts to let threatened species suffer with little or not help from them.

Editor of AGNADL

Turning Tragedy into Technology That Saves Soldiers' Lives

This father lost his son in the war in Iraq, but while he mourned this horrendous loss, he turned his technological skills to building a robot to disarm bombs in order to save countless other parents the grief he experienced.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Giving Back in a Different Way

I read about this a while ago and thought I'd already blogged on it, but I couldn't find the article, so apparently I only thought about it really hard.  Now I am posting it for certain.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Make Christmas Greener This Year

Making your Christmas more green may require a little bit of thought, but it isn't hard to do.  The following article barely scratches the surface for greening Christmas.  Can you think of other ways to make your Christmas greener?  Send your ideas to:, and we'll post the ideas that are too good to miss.

Editor of AGNADL

Nothing But Pure Silliness

It's amazing what you can do with a computer and some time on your hands.  Definitely a breath of fresh air in advertising.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Twist on Cleaning Oil from Contaminated Water

Oil contaminated water has always been a challenge to clean up.  Now there is a new way to do it that appears to be pretty effective.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Eat Your Dark Chocolate! It's Good for You!

Don't you wish you could have grown up hearing at the dinner table?  Maybe the next generation will.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lilith Returns Sporting a Green Face

The awesome women-centered music festival returns with a green partner.

Editor of AGNADL

Agreeing on Wilderness Protection

The countries that make up North America agree on one thing--the need to protect wilderness areas.

Editor of AGNADL

Brown Pelican Recovery

The brown pelican has recovered sufficiently from DDT poisoning to be taken off the Endangered Species List.  It was put on the list in 1970.  This is a victory indeed.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Happy Ending

There's always someone in the world who is worse off than you and someone who is better off than you.  What determines the next stage of life after difficulties is an attitude of hope versus a concession to defeat. Many thanks again goes to for turning my attention to this story.

Editor of AGNADL

Fascinating "Finger Tutting" Performance

I'd never heard of "finger tutting" before, and I don't know anything about this music, but the video performance by this young man is fascinating.  Definitely a different slice of life to expand your horizons.  Thanks again goes to for pointing me towards this YouTube video.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Green Your World with Greenery

House plants can help you with indoor pollution by cleaning the toxins from the atmosphere.  Although as I recently learned, you can also worsen your health if your pots are harboring mold, so be sure to pot your plants in something that isn't prone to getting moldy in moist conditions.  Many thanks to for this article link.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to Make a Baby Video (G-Rated)

Hats off to the makers of this video.  Talk about having to plan ahead.

Editor of AGNADL

Story of Triumph and Courage

Thanks goes to Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, for the following story about one young man's triumphant attitude over cystic fibrosis.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lego Animation

I came across this video at  Sit back and enjoy the fact that some people really do have way too much time on their hands.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Catch the Wave in London

Here's a bit of fun from the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Health Care Reforms Pass the House

Sweeping health care changes move forward as the House barely passes health care reforms backed by Democrats.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Power of Pets

Pets really are our best friends.  Linked is an article that talks about the magic our pets perform on us.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, November 2, 2009

Interesting New Research on Atlantis Legend

Many people think of the legend of the sinking of Atlantis as a fictional story, but recent evidence reveals the connection between tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and Atlantis.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Good News "Tricky" Video

Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate it.  Here's a fun and tricky video to watch.  I hope it's a treat and tickles your funny bone.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fun Stairs Experiment

Many thanks again to Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, for passing on this video about encouraging people to take the stairs instead of the escalator by making the stairs route way more fun.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, October 29, 2009

84-Year-Old Woman Bikes 150 Miles for MS

Many thanks to my good friend Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, for this wonderful article about an 84-year-old woman who bikes for MS.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Interesting Solutions to Creating Clean Water

There is no denying that much of the world suffers from a lack of clean drinking water, but there are people searching for solutions to this problem.  Here is another of those solutions.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, October 24, 2009

More 11th Hour Deals of Bush Administration Blocked

A shady last minute deal between the Bush Administration and Shell is being investigated by the present Interior Department.  This deal was extremely favorable for Royal Dutch Shell PLC, who nows employs former Interior Secretary Gale Norton.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Good News for Polar Bears

The Interior Department proposed today to designate over 200,000 square miles of land, sea, and ice as critical habitat for polar bears.  This habitat is located on the northern coast of Alaska.

Editor of AGNADL

Hate Crimes Bill Passed

The hate crimes bill passed today and is now on its way to President Obama's desk.  He has already promised to sign it into law.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trick or Treat Your Way to Helping Children

 Create some good news for children in need around the world.  Support the Trick-or-Treat for Unicef drive by collecting donations while taking your kids trick-or-treating, or simply donate to one of the online drives going on right now.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Protecting Polar Bears

People spoke up and the government listened.  You'd think an animal that size wouldn't need our help, but with shrinking habitat creating a serious threat for the polar bears, the U.S. has decided to propose an international ban on the trade of the body parts of the animal.  Even though they haven't agreed to protect their habitat yet, this is at least a step in the right direction towards recognizing that they are in jeopardy as a species.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, October 19, 2009

Soldiers Have Hearts Too

This is a great story about a soldier who spent time in Iraq and wanted to give something back to the kids there.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Greening Electronics

Big names lead the movement to green electronics.

Editor of AGNADL

London Finding News Ways to Fill Your Water Bottle

Finding ways to quench our thirst is a perpetual issue.  Finding ways to do it in a way that is environmentally friendly is starting to be more important with more people learning about the huge carbon footprint caused by the production of water bottled in plastic containers.  In the linked article, read how London is considering a solution to this issue.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, October 16, 2009

Recycling Your Soap?

This is an excellent article about an organization who is making a recycling mission into a life-saving one.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Three Rivers Set Aside for Critical Habitat for the Rare Green Sturgeon

The National Marine Fisheries Service has designated the Sacramento, Feather, and Yuba Rivers as critical habitat for the rare green sturgeon.  Other habitat areas include rivers and bays stretching from Monterey to Grays Harbor, Washington.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Better News Than Giving Out Hugs?

You've probably already heard about Amma, the Indian woman who travels around the world giving out free hugs.  If not, then it's time you did.  If so, then enjoy the linked article and then go hug someone.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

16 Year-Old Creates His Own School

I hope you enjoy this amazing story about a 16 year-old boy in India who has started his own backyard school for village children who can't afford to go themselves.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

Wishing a happy Thanksgiving Day to all my Canadian friends.  I celebrated your Thanksgiving Day with a Canadian family one year, and another year I was in Canada for the U.S. Thanksgiving Day.  Anyway, enjoy!

Editor of AGNADL

Otter Give Them a Break

Threatened sea otters get a break along the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, and Alaska Peninsula.  Several days ago, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service set aside nearly six thousand square miles of water as critical habitat for the sea otters in southwest Alaska. 

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Speaking of National Parks

Mount Rainier National Park is one of my favorite places in the world.  Here's a beautiful photo of Mount Rainier, known as Tahoma to locals, submitted by my friend Eleasa.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Helpful Teaching from the Author of Conversations with God

Here's an inspiring and thought provoking video from Neale Donald Walsh, the author of Conversations with God, about facing our fears.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Obama is only the fourth President to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Coming so early in his presidency, it was a bit of a surprise to many, including President Obama.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Funny Cat Video

I came across this one on Facebook and posted there, but I felt it was worth running here too.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tips for Greening Your Halloween

Holidays can be a nightmare for the environment with all the added waste, but here are some tips for taking the nightmare out of Halloween.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Well-Timed Errand Saves a Life

You never know when you head out the door what will happen.  On good days, you can help someone you meet.  On really good days, you might even save a life.  That's what happened to Mary Ellen in the following story.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, October 5, 2009

A New Meaning for Running on Sugar

I've known a few people who use sugar to get a quick boost of energy, but how about a country who uses the waste from sugar production to provide electricity?

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Strong Support for Wind Power in Mid-Atlantic

There is growing support for wind power in the Mid-Atlantic states in the US.  I think wind power has a lot of untapped potential.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, October 2, 2009

EPA Under New Administration Cracking Down

I don't know about you, but under the last administration, I'd reached the conclusion that the EPA no longer had any teeth, but under Lisa Jackson, the organization is getting tougher on toxic chemicals.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Good Samaritan Saves the Day and Someone's Vacation

I absolutely could not pass up this story at  They have the best stories.  The reason I started my blog is because temporarily disappeared.  Now that they're back, this site is redundant at times, so I may just check into passing on good news stories to them and bow out gracefully.  In the meantime, I'm passing on their story from today.  Makes you smile at the goodness of humanity.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Timeless Messages, Timeless Music

Singer Vera Lynn, at age 92, is making a comeback on the charts.  A collection of her greatest hits from the WWII era has hit the number one spot on the music charts in the Great Britain.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

NYC Launches Green Building Program

New York City is making an effort to green building practices.  There is plenty of room for improvement in a city of this size to reduce their carbon footprint.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, September 28, 2009

Unusual Landlord-Tenant Relationship

This is a surefire example of how not to make money in real estate investing, but it is also an example of a good Samaritan helping out a fellow human being.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Celebrate Our National Parks This Weekend on PBS

Just a reminder this morning that entrance fees to ALL of the national parks in the United States is free today.  Also, if you're in the U.S., be sure to catch Ken Burns film on PBS about our national parks.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, September 25, 2009

Harmony Hill a Haven of Hope for Cancer Patients.

I first heard about this organization several years ago while I was living on Hood Canal myself.  This is a wonderful organization providing an amazing service and a glimmer of hope for a new life for cancer patients.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Buried Treasure Unearthed in UK

I knew I wanted to find something unique for AGNADL's 300th posting.  Yep, this is posting number 300 since I started this blog on President Obama's inaugural day.  When I opened my daily news email from the BBC, I knew that I had struck gold, literally.  It seems that some bloke in Staffordshire, using a metal detector on a friend's farmland, discovered an ancient Anglo Saxon treasure trove.  Its value has not yet been determined, but it will belong to the crown since it has been declared treasure.  Its worth is likely to be in the seven-figure range.  In addition to the monetary value, the treasure should yield a lot of historical information about the Anglo-Saxon period in England.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Celebrate Our National Parks This Weekend for Free

Love going to your local national park but are trying to cut back expenses? This weekend is the perfect time to head to the nearest park and get in free.  Yep, that's right, I said "free."  On Saturday, Sept. 26, you can get into any of the 391 national parks in the United States absolutely free.  It is the 16th annual National Public Lands Day, and entry fees are being waived.  What are you waiting for?  Start planning that picnic lunch for this Saturday.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sports Story with a Heart

You've got to love a sports story with this much heart.  Read how the other team helped one player score a touchdown against them.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, September 21, 2009

Water, Water Everywhere

The US Navy is working on ways to turn sea water into jet fuel. Talk about using the resources at your fingertips.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Last Sunday of Summer in Brownsville, Washington

What better way to say goodbye to summer than with a day like today?

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, September 19, 2009

On Greening the White House

Kudos, President Obama, for continuing what President Carter started when he was in office, greening the White House.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hope in the Battle Against Mountaintop Mining

Pressure on the EPA to halt mountaintop mining in the United States is finally yielding some results under the Obama administration.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Guardian Angels in Unexpected Places

I wanted to run this article the day it came out, but I'd already posted that day, so I figured it was timeless enough to wait until I needed one close at hand, so here ya go. A story about a Wal-mart worker who is helping people save money in different ways than you'd think. Thanks to Nicole Brodeur of the Seattle Times for this little item of good news.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ford Really Does Have a Better Idea

I don't know if you remember the old Ford commercials where their motto was "Ford has a better idea," but it seems that Ford really does often have a better idea. The Ford Escape hybrid was one of them, and some new green cars coming up are others. Now they are converting a closed down Ford factory to clean technology manufacturing. Sounds good to me.

Editor of AGNADL

Apology for Recent Lapse of Good News Coverage

It wasn't because there was no good news to report. It was a recent health lapse that prevented me from reporting good news on a daily basis for about a week. I will begin to cover again as I can. Thanks for your patience and feel free to send good news items anytime to

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, September 7, 2009

News So Good the Other Team Cheered

In the cosmic scheme of things, getting 2000 base hits as a baseball player may not be as noteworthy as the discovery of the cure to a disease, but in the sports world it's a big deal. Only one baseball player has hit the 2000 hit mark faster than Seattle Mariners' famous right-fielder, Ichiro. Ichiro did it in his 1402nd major league game. Al Simmons managed to do it in 1390.

The best part of Ichiro's success, I thought, was the response of the Mariners' opponents. In the first inning of Sunday's game, when Ichiro made the double, the Oakland Athletics' fans stood and cheered. That was a very cool thing for them to do. The A's still managed to win the game, despite Ichiro's powerful bat, but they didn't know they would win in the first inning of the game when Ichiro hit this big milestone. They just knew that something big had happened in the game of baseball, and they honored it and the man who made it happen. All the fans that day cheered the excellence of one player. I like that.

By the way, Al Simmons made the 2000-hit benchmark back in 1934, so yeah, it was a big deal for baseball fans. Simmons never quite made it to 3000 hits. If you count Ichiro's career in Japan before he came to the states to play Major League Baseball, he's already well over the 3000 hit mark and still going strong.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Transitioning to Fall

Some images of at Brownsville marina near Seattle. Skies are changing over from blue skies and sunshine to breezes bearing hints of fall.
Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Moving Out of Recession

It appears that the state of Washington and the United States as a whole are beginning on the road to recovery from recession. For more information, read this Seattle Times article.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, September 4, 2009

Honest People Abound on the Hiking Trail

An experiment in human nature yielded some heartening results. I stumbled upon this article at, but followed the link to the original article. It's a great story about the cooperation and honesty of a bunch of people on a hiking trail that led to a fun photo project and a camera that returned home to its owner after being left out on the open trail.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vermont is Now 4th State in the U.S. to Extend Completely Equal Rights to Gays

It's official today. Vermont, although the first state to offer same-sex couples civil unions, has just become the fourth state in the U.S. to offer completely equal marriage rights to those couples. I have to wonder about the people in the other 46 states, who still think that barring some U.S. citizens from equal rights is perfectly okay. When will we all figure out that excluding law-abiding, tax-paying citizens from having completely equal rights is not good for democracy and that a separate, but theoretically equal, substitute still isn't equal? It wasn't back in the fight for equal rights for our African American citizens, and it still isn't right in a day and age when we should know better.

The U.S. is way behind the rest of the so-called "advanced" countries in granting ALL of its citizens equal rights under the law. Truthfully, however, none of these countries offer true equality, no matter what the wording, since, as far as I know, no country extends the same tax benefits to same-sex couples as those received by heterosexual couples. However, every step in the direction of equality is a positive step that should be celebrated.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Tails/Tales to You

Don't you just love animal stories with a happy ending? If so, you'll like this one for sure.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Orleans Emerging from the Katrina Wreckage

Though much remains to be done, New Orleans is making a comeback in a green way.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, August 31, 2009

Breakthrough in the Science of Clean Water

One atom away from clean water? Read the short article linked below for an explanation about the breakthrough in the science of cleaning up water.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Solar Power Getting More Affordable

Big drops in the cost of switching to solar energy should boost the number of homes and businesses that switch to using it, but it's still a significant investment. Save money now by reducing your energy consumption.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a Fruit!

Some day in the future you might be pulling up to a gas station to fill up on...wait for it...watermelon juice. I kid you not. Check out this article.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, August 28, 2009

Clear-cutting in the Sierra Nevada Mountains Blocked

The Center for Biological Diversity sued California's largest timber company, Sierra Pacific Industries, over their plan to clear-cut over 1600 acres. The environment group claims that state regulators violated the California Environmental Quality Act by failing to investigate greenhouse gas emissions that result from the practice of clear-cutting.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good News for Facebook Users

Anybody who uses the applications and quizzes on Facebook, and has wondered what they are getting from your profile info, will appreciate this article. Bottom line for me has always been that it's not a good idea to share any more information than you're comfortable having other people know. Facebook is not the place for sharing private information, but then I would hope everyone would know that much.

Editor of AGNADL

Singing Cats

For a good time, play this video. For a really good time, call your cat(s) into the room to listen with you. Mine thought it was very, er, attention-getting.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fill'er Up with Hydrogen?

Ever feel like you're running on hydrogen? No? Well, you may feel that way in the near future. Check out this article on England's forthcoming "hydrogen highway."

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Auction of Rowling Work Nets Nearly $4 M for Charity

A hand-written copy of J.K. Rowling's The Tales of Beedle the Bard sold for 1.95 million pounds or nearly $4 million dollars. This broke several auction records, and the best part was that all that lovely money went to The Children's Voice, a charity established by J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series of books for children of all ages.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, August 24, 2009

Boy Writer and Animal Rescuer

From comes this excellent story about a boy and a dog? How about a boy and a lot of rescued animals?

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, August 23, 2009

England Takes the Ashes from Australia

Now obviously whether this is good news or bad news for you will be determined by whether you were rooting for England or Australia in the Ashes Tournament. Most of you reading this will wonder, as I did, what on earth any of it means. Well, it has to do with a Cricket tournament, and I'm going to refer you to some links for more information.

The first link will tell you the basic news, but the following link will explain the meaning of the ashes bit.

This time the news is good for the Brits and not so good for the Aussies. Sorry, my Aussie friends. I'm just reporting the news.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Walking with Jasper in the Neighborhood

I recently spent two weeks in England being as much of a non-tourist as I could possibly be. I have no photos of London. I took no tours except on foot around Norwich. London will be another day and is not my main interest in England anyway. Most of the English literature I read takes place somewhere other than London. These are the places I'm more interested in exploring, though, yes, of course, I'll do a tour of London some time, no doubt.

Bear in mind that not everyone rushes to see Washington, DC on their first trip to the United States. Heck, I live here, and I didn't visit DC until I was in college. I did, however, spend a lot of time growing up in Florida at the local beaches and watering holes. Not grand adventures, but I certainly thought those trips were fun, particularly the times when I'd spend most of the day out on the ocean, floating on a rubber raft. I was oblivious to the fact that nothing separated me from the sharks and other monsters of horrific proportions was air and a bit of rubber (thank you, Jaws, for scaring the holy beejeebers out of me in regards to the ocean).

On those days on total relaxation and floating on the waves, my body would become so attuned to the rhythm of the waves that when we drove back home, I would begin to fall asleep in the backseat of the car. When I closed my eyes, I could still feel my body rocking with the gentle wave motion of the ocean.

Jasper, whom you've met before at this site, was one of my hosts on this trip to England. This first little tour you're going to get is narrated by him. He seems to have taken a liking to sharing his world with the readers of AGNADL.

"Next to my yard is a lovely walking path that is, of course, open to the public. the little fence thing is called a stile. This is where our tour of the neighborhood begins. Follow me, ladies and gents."

"You'll have to walk a bit faster than that if you're going to keep up with me. I have four legs to your two, I realize, but your legs are a bit longer than mine after all. Step lively please."

"I'm not really sure what the big deal is about the red metal box, but my guest seems to be enamored with the oddest things, so we had to pause here while she snapped a photo. I like this woman a lot because she really knows how to give a cat massage, but she is a little odd."

"Now I guess we've stopped here for a photo of a thatched roof, but I'm a little uneasy about the less than friendly dog, so I'm going to move along and hope you'll keep up the pace."

"Yeah, a brick house with a white picket fence and a cool looking door. Be sure to put this one on your must see list when you come to England. Hehe. I told you she was an odd one."

"Finally! Back to my space. We have a great backyard, which you've seen in other tours I've led, but you didn't get to see the little patio space back there. Has a lovely view of all the grass, trees, and flowers back there. Hope you enjoyed the tour. Not much to it really but that's what she did on her first venture out and about.

I'm ready for a nap though. *yawn* See you another time then."

Editor of AGNADL and Jasper

Friday, August 21, 2009

McDonald's Going Green?

Once considered a giant manufacturer of waste, McDonald's is now going green in more ways than one.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Employment Rates Up in Washington State

I am happy to report that unemployment rates actually decreased in July in Washington. This is the first time since November 2008 that the state of Washington has posted positive numbers in job growth. Although the experts caution against undue optimism, I'd say that it's good to celebrate any good news in the job market.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From Feral to Family: Molly the Cat

This link takes you to a story about Marvelous Molly the cat. She started out feral but with a lot of love and patience, she eventually became part of this family.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, August 17, 2009

Miracle Baby Celebrates First Birthday

This is an amazing story of a baby that survived against all odds. What a fighting spirit!

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer Garden Photos

From my friend, Eleasa, in Olympia, Washington, we have a couple photos of a healthy summer garden. If you recall, Eleasa was the one who submitted the photo of the hybrid zucchini/squash. I've reprinted it here for continuity. Eleasa is the author of three books: Thank God for Pigs, Mama, I'm coming home (the sequel), and a collection of short stories, Allison's Wedding Dress. Email for more information.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, August 15, 2009

An Odd but Awesome Use for Kudzu

When I used to live in the mountains of North Carolina, there was this incredible invasive plant that had taken over nearly every ditch along the side of the road near my house. The viny plant was called "kudzu," and I can't imagine a stranger, yet exceedingly helpful, use for it.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, August 14, 2009

True Fuel Efficiency at Last

A car that can go 230 miles on a gallon of gas? Now that's what I call fuel efficient. We're finally starting to get somewhere.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Strange Bed Fellows

This link sent in by Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, will send your Awwww meter into the red zone.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Europe Shoots for Neutral Carbon Footprint in Housing

This is really impressive. Rather shows up bigger countries that could be a lot more innovative.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This Rolling Stone Gathers Kindness Karma

This is one of those stories about random acts of kindness that I really love. Enjoy. I think we should all start global kindness movements.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lloyds Banking Group (UK) Sees Positive Figures

Lloyds announced an 11% increase despite losses posted earlier this year. Things look good for them as they further scrutinize weaknesses that need to be corrected in order to ensure ongoing stability for investors.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Momma Duck Rescues Timid Duckling

This is a sweet tale told in both words and photographs. Enjoy and heed the cuteness label attached to this article. It really is cute. This article link was submitted by Lee Harris, author of Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You, a book you owe to yourself to read. It's a children's book, but it is also for every cat lover, no matter what the age.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Sworn In

Sonia Sotomayor was sworn in as the 111th Supreme Court Justice. She is the first Hispanic and only the third woman to fill a seat in the highest court in the United States. She was sworn in by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. Sotomayor is the first Supreme Court Justice to be nominated by a Democratic president since 1994.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

U.S. Reporters Imprisoned in N. Korea Pardoned

The two U.S. reporters who were arrested for illegally entering N. Korea have been pardoned and released from prison and are now heading home.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Recycling Tips

There is so much we can recycle if we only put our minds to it. Here's a link for some ideas you may not have considered.

Editor of AGNADL

Editor on Vacation

I am on vacation in England. Will try to post photos soon. Having a blast. I'm sure not very many tourists get as thrilled as I do over seeing a phone box or thatched cottage, but there it is. Enjoy the cathedrals and lighthouses too.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fast Action by Lifeguards Rescue 40 Children & Adults

Swift action on the part of lifeguards turns what could have been a tragic loss into a successful rescue.

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Brother's Keeper?

The following is a story that illustrates that helping one other person with whom we have contact often has repercussions to countless others. Read how one bank employee's attention to his customer not only prevented her from continuing to make huge financial blunders, but also shut down a scam operation.

Editor of AGNADL

Greening Fast Food Restaurants

More fast food restaurants are getting on board the Green train. That's certainly good news given how many dollars are pumped into the fast food on a global scale every day. To learn more about who's doing what, check out the link. below:

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lucky Cat with Heroic Dog Pal

I don't know about you, but I love animal rescue stories. Here's a sweet one with a very happy ending.

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Matthew Shepard Act Passes Senate

All that is necessary now to implement this important legislation is the President's signature.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, July 20, 2009

Overcoming Incredible Odds for His Music

I was astounded when I read this article about an accomplished young musician who has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). He could have given in. He could have given up. But he didn't, and he continues to compose music with his eyes. Talk about an inspiring story.

Editor of AGNADL

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting to Know You

This summer you might try organising a little neighbourhood get together like they're doing in England. The Brits are throwing street parties and picnics all around the country in an effort to get acquainted with their neighbours. Just a thought.

British spellings were used in this blog about England. No American English words were harmed in the publishing of this article.

Editor of AGNADL

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Skunk Saga Continues

My friend in BC, Flo Harrah, continues the vigil for skunk activity. She got the following shots last night as they pottered about the garden and shed.

What does Tig, the family feline, think of all this skunk excitement?

Editor of AGNADL

Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama Administration Rescues Oregon Forests

The Obama Administration reviewed the plans the Bush Administration established for the Oregon forests and found that they did not comply with the Endangered Species Act. The administration also reversed a Bush-era plan that jeopardized habitat of the northern spotted owl. How big is this decision to protect these forests? 2.6 million acres of public forests worth of big.

Editor of AGNADL

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Untaming of the Shrew

The Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew is being benefited by a lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity. In 2004, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed 4,649 acres of "critical habitat" for the shrew, but this was reduced to merely 84 acres a year later, said Ileene Anderson, a spokeswoman for the environmental group. The lawsuit re-proposes the original 4,649 acres for shrew habitat.

Editor of AGNADL

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Butterfly Whisperer

I have to pass on this precious story about a boy and his butterfly? Yep, that's what I said. For a new twist on the old line, "But, Mom, it just followed me home," read this article from Mary Angel Scribe's Pet Tips 'n' Tales newsletter:

Editor of AGNADL

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cute Baby Photo Insurance

If you ever lose your wallet, there's one ingredient that may help make sure you will get it back--a cute baby photo. So if you don't happen to have a cute baby in your life, you might want to borrow one and snap a picture of it. Then be sure to keep a wallet version of that baby in your wallet. You may want to update this now and again, of course. A photo that looks as though the baby could be well into their forties by now might not be as effective. Just a thought.

Check out the full story at Gimundo news.

Editor of AGNADL

Monday, July 13, 2009

All Good Views

I seemed to have run out of words temporarily. I think it's because it's summer and summer is such a visual time. I'm still looking for good vacation photos from my friends around the world (hint, hint). While I'm waiting for someone to come forth with some cool vacation photos, I'll include some from vacations past. I'll be going on vacation again soon, but in the meantime, you get to see where I went during a mini vacation last year.

The photos that follow were taken at one of my favorite places to visit, and it's less than an hour from my house. These photos were taken last summer while my mother was staying with me for a month.

Nordland, Washington

Nordland General Store

Deer feeding at Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island

Marrowstone Island Lighthouse

USN Aircraft Carrier with Cascade Mountains and Whidbey Island in background

Marrowstone Island Beach with Ghostly Mt. Rainier View

Editor of AGNADL