Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jaguar Protection Reconsidered

If you haven't heard yet, the last remaining jaguar in the United States was killed recently by the very organization that should have been protecting it. A researcher has come forward with the testimony that she was told by an Arizona Game and Fish representative to bait a trap with female jaguar scat. The trap was intended for Macho B, the last known jaguar in the U.S. Macho B was captured and later euthanized rather quickly with the claim that he was experiencing kidney failure. But it seems that the real failure was to protect Macho B from mismanagement and mishandling. As you'd expect, this awakened suspicions and protests, which has led a federal judge to order the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service "to revisit its decisions not to designate habitat and create a recovery plan for jaguars in the United States." For more information, click on the articles below:

Editor of AGNADL

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