Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mother Nature's April Fools' Joke in the Pacific Northwest

Spring's here! April Fools' Day! -- Love, Mother Nature

This photo is fresh off the press from the Vancouver, B.C. area. We're getting something similar to this in the Puget Sound area, south of Seattle at least. It's not over my place at the moment, so I may be in the shadow of the Olympic Mountains, but I've had several friends in the area--Tacoma, Olympia, Covington--reporting snow at their homes. Thank you to Flo Harrah for being on the spot with evidence of Mother Nature's April Fools' Day practical joke!

No, really, spring is here. It's just doing its normally confused thing. Remember the poem? Yeah, I'll run it again.

Ah, Spring

Ah, Spring at last,
season poised between winter and summer,
gentle pendulum swinging to and fro
above this happy medium.
Gone now the chilling winds of winter.
Not yet the scorching rays of summer's sun.

Ah, Gentle Spring,
whose steady, soaking rains,
whose warm sunshine
make way for the greening of the earth.
Thank goodness for confused Spring.
One day echoing winter,
the next foretelling summer.

Ah, Spring,
season of change,
moment of rebirth.

Poem by Beth Mitchum, published in bethwor(l)ds: 20 years of poetry.
Copyright 2008 Beth Mitchum

Editor of AGNADL

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